Year 12 Media Appreciation - Sound extract
The introduction of the music starts off with the signature Fox introduction tune playing, it sounds grand and majestic.
The music then used has a tense feel to it so the audience would feel as if there is some form of mystery due to be revealed. The composer has chosen to use orchestral strings in order to achieve this. This is because they feel this method of instrumentation is most suited to the emotions that they want to convey.
The piece then changes. It becomes quite upbeat and has a racy rhythm. This serves the purpose of partnering the image on the screen. From the sound extract alone it seems as if the scene has moved onto some sort of chase or battle scene. The music is instrumental in setting the scene for such events as it helps to deliver a sense of excitement to the viewer. When the upbeat and racy rhythm appears the drums sound as if they are similar to the kind used by the military.
The music has a feel of adventure and heroism form although you can hear undertones of sadness.
The music becomes louder and seems to have a quicker tempo as it becomes more adventures; it then becomes quieter as a more sympathetic tone is introduced. The music transfers to a lower tone as if it is leading up to something mysterious.
The tone of mystery and sadness brings a pensive feel, adding some melody to the extract. It creates an image in the audience’s head that there is a true story line in this movie and there are characters and adventures due to happen.
We hear noises of doors opening some form of object opening or being unlocked towards the end of the sound extract. This sounds as if it is from the first scene after the soundtrack.
In conclusion the soundtrack conveys a range of emotions to the audience delivering a theme of action. I presume the genre would be along the lines of a thriller, sci-fi or horror.
This is because this soundtrack sounds very similar to others of this genre; it creates a feel of adventure and mystery as soon as you turn on the movie.
The introduction soundtrack of the movie moulds the feel of the rest of the movie to the audience.
This movie sound-track would entice the audience in, the quality of the music and the way it is put together and flows makes a feel to the audience that if the music is of such high quality and well put together composition, the movie would follow on from this and be to a high standard also.
Lucy Findlater